Gambling has been a form of entertainment since the beginning of time. Today gambling establishments have created a world with in a world of beauty and elegance in order to entice you to enter their enterprise. They do not discriminate and cater to all income levels. They even went as far as to install penny slot machines to entice senior citizens and lower income families. The bottom line is if you have money they are willing to take it.The gambling establishments do not twist your arm to get you there. They use a subtle subliminal approach to affect your senses.The gambling establishments use the following to keep you coming back time and time again even if you do not have the financial resources:Provide round trip transportation, food vouchers and gambling couponsRate your play so you can buy things at the local gift shops.Send you a fifty dollar gas vouchers to their gas stations located on the gambling establishmentSend you gift certificates at holiday time. They even include a letter to remind you that you can purchase your holiday gifts while you are enjoying the life of luxury.They bring in the best entertainers like Cher, Olivia Newton John, Clay Aiken, Burt Reynolds and more.Every half hour when you’re at home you see show tune commercials that you just want to sing a long to.Sponsoring local events and the newsDonating to revitalization zonesDonating to local charitiesTechnological advanced futuristic nightclubsA birthday celebration for youThey send gambling coupons that you could win up to $25,000.00The list goes on and on. People need to realize that the gambling establishments are using your money and others to lure you to go there. Once you are there they got you. I remember going with friends to the night club located in the middle of the casino surrounded by gaming tables. On the drive there we all agreed we were not going to gamble. Our goal was to use the free tickets, dance and forget all the stress in our lives. That was our intention. After the club closed every one was still wide awake and we didn’t want to go home. We all agreed to play for an hour. The next thing we know it was five in the morning. We headed home with our tail between our legs, because we all lost more then fifteen hundred dollars. We had an average loss of three hundred dollars per person. We were all in shock and said we are never going to do this again. Only to repeat the same pattern over and over.Gambling establishments use these incentives on individuals who are addicted to gambling from straying to far. These places understand what they need to do to keep you coming back time and time again.We are living in a new world we’re gambling is playing a major part. It’s time to for people to take control and educate themselves. The next time the gambling establishments send you an offer, you know it’s not worth your time and effort.
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